
Hello everyone!

Looking for new features and improvements for your Feng Office? Well, version 3.4 is here, with so many new things and goodness it is hard to decide where to start.

OK, how about…

Custom properties: more power for your data

One of the most loved power features of Feng Office is the ability to create custom properties to extend the default set of data that can be registered with any object on the system.

Documents, tasks, contacts, events, purchase orders, invoices, expenses. Even projects, workspaces, folders, and clients… everything in Feng Office can have as much data as your organization needs!

What is more amazing and powerful is that this information is not just a data record. It is data you can work with. You can list, sort, and filter information using this data.

You can make better and more useful reports. Easily and efficiently.

With the new features and improvements on custom properties, lists can now be sorted and grouped using your custom properties. Data entry can be optimized by placing the properties in the right position, select whether they are mandatory or not, and be placed in different sections of the form.

Custom properties are an essential tool for Feng Office consultants and administrators setting up a business solution. It is not just an enhancement. It is an essential piece for building the best platform for a business.

*Note: you need to request a special plugin to be installed on your account to be able to try custom properties on dimensions.

Object sub-types: Even more power for your data

The latest addition to the Feng Office set of building blocks is object sub-types.

Object sub-types are, in fact, the last piece of the puzzle that allows Feng Office to be the most flexible Business Process Collaboration platform out there.

We just talked about how every object can have its own custom properties. For example, you can add a special field for a task (for example, an ID used by another system, a special category that is business-specific, etc). But what if you need different types of tasks? Or documents?

This is very common in processes that require a lot of data gathering.

You can have a document for a type of process that requires a number of meta-data being recorded (Example: measuring a field, preparing a case, gathering info for a job order, entering who gathered it, etc).

Each type of document (Or tasks, or notes) will have its own set of fields.

And this is what Object sub-types allow.

You should try it. You will be amazed at its power.

*Note: you need to request a special plugin to be installed on your account to be able to try this.

Better filters and search

Searching for specific information is now easier thanks to a cool new feature.

Want to narrow down the search for archived, trashed canned, and overview lists objects? No problem, just do it with the new Object Type Filter.

Advanced billing

You can now define different hourly rates for different types of work, clients, projects, and service types… even for the same person!

Also, you can define independent rates for price (for billing purposes) and costs (for expenses).

Not only can you make financial reports out of the different rates for your projects, clients, project portfolios, etc. You can also generate the invoice and/or expenses associated to that work. Magic, eh

*Note: We call this the “Advanced Billing” module, as we decided to still support the more basic Billing features available on the Community Edition.

Shift key function for list selection

Looking for a more agile way of selecting list items? The shift key function for bulk selection is finally here!

Other improvements and fixes

Other improvements and fixes featured in version 3.4 include:

  • UX improvements on the Overview tab.
  • New plug-ins for new -optional- dimensions (Available for the Enterprise Edition).
  • Allowing (if permissions are set) users to enter time for other users in the time tab.
  • Updates on French and Turkey language packs.
  • Several bug fixes.

Please let us know how you like the new features and improvements.
