
Hi Everyone!

We have another amazing new feature for Feng Office that we are sure you are going to love:
The New Objectives Module is a great tool to help Project Managers define and keep track of different objectives within your organization or individual projects.
You will be able to create your own customized objectives to manage different goals for each project, client, or any work item with goals.

Some of the things you will be able to set with your customized objectives are:

  • Objective Description: To further explain what you plan on achieving.
  • Initial, Intermediate, and Final Objective Values to show towards what you want to work for.
  • Start and End Dates, to make sure you achieve these objectives in effective time.
  • Current Value, to show where you are starting.

Once your new objective is created, you will be able to do the following:

  • Add Subscribers to keep other users updated on how your objective is going.
  • Edit your Objective in case you want to make changes to it.
  • Post comments, as reminders or notes of anything regarding the objective.
  • Link objects of relevance to the objective, for quick access to them.

We hope you enjoy the new objectives module, and remember to follow us on Facebook to keep updated on new improvements arriving very soon!!

If you have any comments or feedback on this new module (or anything about Feng Office itself), feel free to contact us here.