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Rather new! Google Calendar Synchronization

By 5 July, 2012July 25th, 2024One Comment

Well, we are just catching up with writing about all the new features we have added since version 2.0. And this one is quite a lovely one.

Since version Feng Office has had an integrated Google Calendar Synchronization feature.

For many of us, the big news is not the Google Calendar synch itself, but the final synchronization with our Mobile Calendars.

Here at Feng, we are all very excited and happy to finally have the calendars on our iPhones and Androids fully synchronized with Feng Office.

Now, every event that you add in Feng Office can be immediately and automatically synchronized with your mobile phone, and vice versa.

How to do it

If you would like to synchronize your Feng Office events with those in Google Calendar, please follow carefully the instructions on the wiki.

you first have to go to the project, client or workspace where you are goin to keep your Goolge Events. Then, go to the Calendar tab and click on