Feng SkyGeneralService

Feng Office GDPR compliance

By 25 September, 2018July 25th, 2024No Comments

Several clients have been asking us about GDPR – whether or not we comply – and what changes have we made to our processes and our policies.
The short answer is: yes, we do comply with REGULATION 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (aka GDPR).

What has Feng Office changed to comply with GDPR?

Practically nothing. Feng Office has always regarded the protection of personal (or, more broadly, private) information as a core principle in everything we do. Both our Website and the installations of Feng Office that we host through Feng Sky collect the minimum possible personally identifiable information. When data processing is necessary, all processing is done with the utmost care and respect for privacy and integrity of data.
Feng Office is in the business of developing and providing a data processing platform, helping its clients be more efficient and more secure. We are not in the business of processing anyone’s personal data. It has always been stated in our Terms of Service that we do not process nor resell our users’ data in any way. The information that you trust with us stays with us.
The little personally identifiable data we collect (Name, email, and phone numbers) are collected with the sole purposes of either providing a response to a contact request, an inquiry, or a trial request, notifying of system and feature changes, providing our services, or were provided as a reference of a potential interest in doing business.
If required for supporting the work of our clients, permission to access any other type of data is explicitly requested.
We explicitly added to our Terms of Services and Security and Privacy Policies the required statements and policies for GDPR compliance.