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How to add your first client, project, folder, workspace, etc.

Depending on how you are using Feng Office (and other things like your configuration, the edition you are using, etc) you will organize your information in some of the following “dimensions”:

  • Clients
  • Projects
  • Workspaces
  • Folders
  • Other (not covered in this section)

Feng Office provides basically three quick ways for adding the above:

  1. Navbar Quick add (On the navigation panel)
  2. Dashboard Quick add (On the Dashboard)
  3. List view add

Some of the above will give you access to what we call the “full add”, which is our short-name for the form that allows you to input all the detailed information

The examples on this section are a quick generic guide. For specific “How to's”, please see the following:

This is the “Add +” link that is displayed on the top of each of the navigation sub-panels on the left side of the screen.

This is the “Add” field and button that appears on the dashboard widgets.

This is the “Add” option that is displayed on the menus.

This is the form that allows you to input all the detailed information. The Navbar Quick Add has a “More »” link that leads to this form.